Friday, April 27, 2007

26 April 2007 Thursday

Randomness is nice. I like random people. Especially hippies. For some reason hippies and randomness goes hand hand in hand in my mind. I’m listening to “Look What You’ve Done” by Jet. It’s a nice song. I’m nineteen and don’t have a boyfriend. How sad am I? I have a feeling this is mainly going to be a rant over the fact that I am single (and likely to remain so). I would like it to be deep thought provoking insights into the average teenage girl’s mind. Sadly it’s just me being, well, sad.

You know those lines that come up on Microsoft Word under words when you’ve spelled something wrong? The green ones for wrong grammar and the red ones for spelling mistakes? Those are really annoying. For some reason I can’t seem to go on unless there is no red or green line ANYWHERE. I’m bored.

I need a boy. I need a boy. Not a boy I guess. A man. Shit. Nineteen. That’s old old old old old old old. I’m old Damn red lines. Too much repetition on the word old I guess. Now begins my defiance. Against the lines I mean.

I hate waiting for lifts. Hate hate hate hate hate. Living on the 24th floor sucks. You have to take the time it takes in the lift into account when you’re preplanning your arrival somewhere. Preplanning your arrival. Haha. I sound so important. This is turning into one of those put myself down thingies. Not good.

Deep breath. I am pretty. I am hot. I am smart (even though am currently getting average marks) AND I don’t know a single person who hates me. In fact some people like me.

I am also self absorbed. But you know that’s not such a bad thing. I like being self absorbed. I’m only self absorbed on the inside. I don’t go around discussing myself around people.

People suck. They don’t actually. I don’t know why I wrote that. People suck when you don’t know them properly. But you know I have a theory that when you get to know someone. I mean really know them… you fall in love with them. It doesn’t matter whether they’re cruel or mean or whatever. If you know them you love them. Most people I know have faults. Really annoying ones. Sometimes they don’t even have faults and they just rub you the wrong way. But when you get to know someone even if you don’t like them, you’re comfortable around them. Love is being comfortable. AGGGGH how profound was that. Of course I wouldn’t know having never been in love.

“oooooooh look what you’ve done you’ve made a fool of everyone…. Oooooooooh well it seems like such fun until you lose what you had won”. I love the way the band sings this song. Oooooooooooooooooh look….. nevermind. I love music. I know it sounds pretentious but its fun. And I always imagine that the lead singer is singing to me and I have an amazing time conjuring up events that would have taken place for him to have written the song for me. If it’s a female band or singer then I imagine I’m the singer. That’s fun too.

I wonder why Britney Spears went bald. I am so not up to date with current events. Ha. It’s funny that Britney Spears going bald is a ‘current event’ in my book. I need to broaden my… horizons or whatever you call them. But anyway leaving my lack of current events knowledge aside for the moment… why did she go bald? Wait I’ll look it up on the net. “You want answers? Google it!” *screams voice in my head*. Hmm wow surprisingly a lot of people care about this. There are many articles out there. Most of them saying she went bald because she’s gone mental. Maybe she has. I don’t know. The point I was trying to make was that I want a wild haircut. I have wanted a wild haircut since well… forever. And have never had it. Mainly because everyone tells me I have amazing wavy/curly hair and tells me not be stupid. And well… when people put it like that how could I possibly go through with it? The haircut I mean. It would be purely ungrateful on my part. But you know…. Haircuts are exciting. Every time you get one done you feel this is IT. You are turning into a new YOU. After this haircut you will be a different person- beautiful, hot, crazy… whatever you want. Of course it never happens. You always look almost the same after the haircut. Unless of course you do something drastic. But I’ve never done anything drastic. Maybe I should though *strokes chin thoughtfully*. Sigh I have a feeling this is going to be a lifelong contemplation thingy.

Ohhhhhhhh look what you’ve done……………………… I’m changing the song. I am listening to “Nobody” by Five for Fighting. Hmm it starts of all slow. AGGGGH his voice is nice. “I’ve never actually properly listened to this song. It’s nice. The chorus goes “I’m nobody (x million times). Depressing but I like the way he sort of croons/moans it. Very cute. People accuse me of saying cute too much. You know I’m sometimes scared of turning into Paris Hilton. I have a feeling I am slowly turning into her. Not physically. Mentally. Make of that what you will.

More soon.

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